How Does Marketo Respond to Blacklisting and Spam Notifications?

We manage our network to provide our customers with the highest server availability and best deliverability possible.  Marketo has a strong anti-spam policy and a team that handles blacklist notifications in our IP space and spam complaints.  We also cooperate with most major anti-spam providers and ISPs.  In addition, we maintain feedback loops for many of the most popular email providers.  For more information on feedback loops and ISPs with whom we have this arrangement, click here.

Blacklistings are usually caused by sending mail to a spam trap email address.  For an explanation on what causes blacklisting, click here.

When we receive notification of a blacklisting, we react in two ways.  First, we go through the procedures to remove the listing from that blacklist as soon as possible.  Second, we determine (if possible) which of our customers caused the blacklisting and work with them to improve their mailing lists to prevent a reoccurrence in the future.  This is usually a cooperative process, most frequently, a review of mailing policies and strategic pruning of a customer’s lead database will return them to best practices.



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