Users may notice that unsubscribed or blacklisted leads still appear within the Audience section of an Email Program.
This issue is relevant to all Marketo users who are managing Email Programs and observing the Audience list.
Despite being blocked or blacklisted, leads will continue to be displayed in the 'People' list of a Program or Campaign's audience, as they still fit the criteria for the Smart List of that particular asset. The Audience list includes all individuals who meet this criteria.
The blocked leads do get recognized and listed under the Blocked list of that specific program. However, this Blocked list is considered a part of the broader Audience list.
If you prefer these leads to not show up in your Audience, you can modify your Smart List filters. For example, apply the "Unsubscribed is False" filter.
Root Cause
This situation arises because the Audience count encompasses all leads that qualify for the Smart List, including those that are blocked or blacklisted. The system recognizes and lists these blocked leads separately, but they remain as a subset of the overall Audience.