Discrepancy between Revenue Explorer (RCE) Email Analysis and Email Performance Report


You are seeing a discrepancy in email activities (Sent, Delivered, Open, etc.) when comparing the RCE Email Analysis report and Email Performance Report, when looking at the same email and date range.

Root Cause

Here are some of the most common reasons for a discrepancy between the RCE and Email Performance Report (EPR):
  • Deleted/Merged Leads: If you have leads that received emails and then were deleted or merged in Marketo, their individual email activities will be included in EPR. RCE will not count deleted or loser leads from a merge
  • Re-sent Emails: If you re-send the same email to the same lead using the same smart campaign, EPR will only show the 1st send occurrence. RCE will show all email activities for a lead.
  • Delivered & Soft Bounce: There are situations where a lead will log a Delivered activity and then shortly after, a Soft Bounce activity. In these situations, EPR will show this lead as a Soft Bounce count, whereas RCE will show this lead as a Delivered count.

If you are still seeing a discrepancy between the reports that cannot be explained with the above, reach out to Marketo Support to help advise.

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