Importing lists containing non-English names into Marketo may replace accented characters with invalid ones, often squares or non-alphabetical signs.
The "character set" parameter identifies a character encoding, which is a method of converting a sequence of bytes into a sequence of characters. This conversion fits naturally with the scheme of Web activity: servers send HTML documents to user agents as a stream of bytes; user agents interpret them as a sequence of characters. The conversion method can range from simple one-to-one correspondence to complex switching schemes or algorithms.
It is a good practice to set the browser to an appropriate character set before running the import. The most widely used are:
Unicode (UTF-8)
A universal character set that defines the characters included in a majority of the languages of the world. It can work with pages and forms that include a mixture of languages within the same page.
Note: Old browsers may have an issue with you using the UTF-8 character set. It may be wise to consider ISO-8859 for old releases.
Also know as Latin1, includes the latin based languages of the world. It includes most western european languages.
ISO 8859-1 Western Europe
ISO 8859-2 Western and Central Europe
ISO 8859-3 Western Europe and South European (Turkish, Maltese plus Esperanto)
ISO 8859-4 Western Europe and Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Lapp)
ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic alphabet
ISO 8859-6 Arabic
ISO 8859-7 Greek
ISO 8859-8 Hebrew
ISO 8859-9 Western Europe with amended Turkish character set
ISO 8859-10 Western Europe with rationalised character set for Nordic languages, including complete Icelandic set
ISO 8859-11 Thai
ISO 8859-13 Baltic languages plus Polish
ISO 8859-14 Celtic languages (Irish Gaelic, Scottish, Welsh)
ISO 8859-15 Added the Euro sign and other rationalisations to ISO 8859-1
ISO 8859-16 Central, Eastern and Southern European languages (Albanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Slovenian, but also French, German, Italian and Irish Gaelic)