Block Field Updates not syncing marketo field values to SFDC


Field values updated in Marketo do not sync to SFDC when the record exists as a Contact. 


Marketo - CRM Native contact Sync


The issue is caused by the interaction of the Block Field Updates with the conflict resolution rules for Contacts described here.  The Block Field Updates will prevent Marketo from writing values from Salesforce into Marketo, but it does not prevent the sync from attempting to sync those values. If a field has Block Field Updates enabled to prevent updates from SFDC and that fields gets updated in both Marketo and Salesforce at the same time, Marketo will attempt to use our conflict resolutions rules to allow the update from SFDC to override the Marketo updated. 

The Block Field Update prevents this from occurring which leaves the records stuck unable to update the value in either system. To resolve the issue for the specific records, the Block Field Updates setting must be removed for the specific values to allow the values from Salesforce to sync down. Then the feature can be re-enabled. To prevent recurrences of the issue in the future, Users and processes in Salesforce must be prevented from editing those values to prevent a conflict from occurring.