'Acquisition Program' attribute reverts to blank value in change data value flow step


When adding 'Acquisition Program' attribute as part of 'change data value' flow step, ‘New Value’ will not get saved if it is added as a token.

As an example, let's say there is a smart campaign within a program and the program has multiple tokens. One of the token is {{program.Name}} whose value is 'Sales Acquisition Campaign'.

In the smart campaign, there is a 'change data value' flow step that updates the value of 'Acquisition Program' attribute to a new value. If this new value is added as '{{program.Name}}' in the flow step, and when navigating away from the campaign flow edit page and navigating back again to the same page, the 'Acquisition Program' attribute's new value will be blank.


Marketing Activities
Change Data Value
Acquisition Program


Use text instead of token to update 'Acquisition Program' value. In the above example, use 'Sales Acquisition Campaign' as the new value in the flow step instead of using token '{{program.Name}}'.

Root Cause

Marketo does not support use of tokens to update 'Acquisition Program' attribute.

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