Wild Card for Filters

Wild Card for Filters

I believe the term is Wild Card, but being able to search @" ".gov would be beneficial. Whenever I use the "contains" portion for the email address filter in regard to .gov or .mil for our military clientele, it includes people like steve.milford or paul.governor. It would provide a much cleaner data set if this were a possibility.
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This is a pretty basic feature that other paltforms have available (i.e. Eloqua).  I'm surprised Marketo hasn't reevaluated their stance on this.

Has anyone already gathered the C-level list it would take to build out?
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This would be HUGE! I'm needing a wildcard for the "clicked link on web page" filter and all the work arounds I've found, that do work for some cases, such as title filters, won't work in the case I need.
Level 2
I would like to use it for French characters in particular. Sometimes the word maybe entered with an accent, but sometimes with the plain English character. I am currently listing out all the variations, which means for each word, I could have up to 4 variations, since the male and female words differ by an extra e. E.g. French word for student.
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Love it!!
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I wouldl like to be able to send all *.edu leads a "sales alert email" to the EDU BU owner.
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Any updates on priority for this Marketo? This would definitely add sophistication to the smart tab functionality!
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It seems like the easiest a less complex way for marketo to help with the .gov issue would be adding the filter ends with.

because if field ends with .gov it wouldn't pull in "paul.governor"

I have done similar things as Elliot Low for job title segmenting, but i found it much easier to use the segmentation capabilities and keep your advanced logic there.

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This article (Marketo Magic: Wild Card for Filters | Rajesh Talele | LinkedIn ) on Linkedin shows how to implement 'wild card pattern matching' in Marketo.

Hopefully, it can help


Level 10

Also needed: wildcards in triggers.

Eg: create a "program status changes" trigger that reacts only for programs that match certain patterns.

Would be a workround to


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Status changed to: Open Ideas