Use Tokens in Flow Step Evaluation

Use Tokens in Flow Step Evaluation

It would be really helpful to be able to evaluate whether a flow step should run based on whether a field already contains a value contained within a token (e.g., campaign says I've looked at a field and realized it already contains {{my.myToken}} -- no need to write that data again). An example of this in principle can be found below:

Flow Step: Chage Data Value
if lead.Campaign_History (not contains) {{my.Campaign_Code}}
lead.Campaign_History (equals) {{lead.Campaign_History)) {{my.Campaign_Code}}

Where Campaign_History is a container field for storing conversion codes, and {{my.Campaign Code}} is a locally-set token for a given program.  

This would make token so much more powerful!
Not applicable
This would be sooo helpful.  I'd also like to be able to change the value of a token in a flow step, so that they are proper variables.  Having them static to the program is quite restrictive.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas