Use javascript to track page views rather than log files


Use javascript to track page views rather than log files

It's my understanding that Marketo tracks page views on a given landing page using an analysis of log files.  In contrast, Google Analytics uses javascript.  The benefit of using javascript is that you can be relatively confident that robots are unable to trigger a view.

The downside of letting robot get into page views is that it will throw off all of your landing page conversion metrics.
Not applicable
Hi Damian,

Marketo does use javascript to track landing page views. In fact we have munchkin.js on each landing page exactly in the same way as you would on your corporate website or other web properties.

That said, most advanced search engine bots have started executing javascript on the page and may show up in your page analytics. This means that they could effect the start of your funnel. In most cases though the effect would be minimal.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it