Unlink Language and Locale settings in the My Account screen

Unlink Language and Locale settings in the My Account screen

When changing your own settings, you can change the Language, locale an time zone. Once you set Language to English, you have the possibility to choose amongst 11 locales. If you chose French (Français), you then have to choose amongst 6 other Locales.

But life is strange and it may happen that people living in France and using the France Locale prefer to use the English Language (and may be also or vice versa). Mainly because the UI translation in French is sometimes closer to poetry than to Marketing

Dear Marketo, could you please unlink these 2 fields or enable to override the selection for the Locale field


Not applicable

Like that idea!

After using Marketo for quite a while it was so confusing to see the German translations so I always use it in English eventhough I am in Germany 🙂

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas