Tracking bounced emails because of spam blocker


Tracking bounced emails because of spam blocker

My company just recently sent out a series of emails to a list of leads. Unsurprisingly some of our emails were bounced. When I went into the results to see who was bounced I was able to see that some of the bounces were bounced due to a spam blocker. It would be helpful if you could have a report created that gives information on specific reasons for bounces (i.e. invalid email, marked as spam by lead, blocked as spam by lead's content filter, etc...).
Level 10
You can do this now.
Create a lead report and in the set up, pick your date range, then group leads by 'Email Invalid Cause'.
In the Smart List section, add the filter Email Bounced is Any, in the past x days and add another filter Email Invalid equals true.

You should have a report with all the invalid causes on the left side. 

Best to start off with a small date range to render the report quickly, this area can be lots of data and can take a long time to render if longer than a month depending on how much data you have to go through.
Not applicable
Thanks Edward,

I will give that a try
Not applicable

I had quite a detailed discussion with Marketo support on bounces and messages returned by recipient mail server. Messages returned  are not always reliable, so it can get tricky.

Specifically for hard bounces, Marketo categories them into 3 big buckets and you can create smart lists for each one of them if you want to analyze these hardbounces:

Here are the descriptions for different categories:

Hard Bounces – Email Invalid

Filter: Email Bounced

(set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)

Constraint:  Category is 2

Hard Bounces – Spam Block

Filter: Email  Bounced

(set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)

Constraint: Category is 1


Hard Bounces – Technical

Filter: Email Bounced

(set constraints as needed, by time range or by email)

Constraint: Category is 4


Not applicable

This is very helpful. Thank you for the advice
Level 10
Check out this article:
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it