Tokens should no matter which campaign triggers an email


Tokens should no matter which campaign triggers an email

We have a smart campaign to test emails for URL link sanctity. This smart campaigns lives by itself and is not part of any program. I am aware of the Send Sample function but we've found that Send Sample doesn't properly test decorated links, so we're forced to "live test" emails.

We've found that program tokens don't work when we use this smart campaign to test unless we create a new smart campaign under the program that contains the tokens to test emails.

It would be nice to have tokens work no matter which smart campaign triggered them - it would save us the trouble of having to create a smart campaign under each program just for testing purposes.
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I see what you mean but the whole idea of Program tokens is that they are local to one program. You can have a token in multiple programs all with the same name {{my.token example}}, this is so that you can clone programs and save time creating your next one. If the smart campaign lives outside a program how would it know from which program to take the token?
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Sorry I wasn't clear on this.

When a smart campaign that lives outside of a program sends an email, and that email uses tokens local to a program, the email will not render properly (the tokens will be blank). The same thing happens when the HTML of an email is downloaded - the tokens don't render in the HTML, they still show up as {{my.token}} instead of propagating with actual token contents.

What should happen is that the email should just use the tokens of the program it is nested under when an email is sent using any campaign or when HTML is downloaded. This will not create confusion since programs are still using tokens of the program they are nested under - nothing changes there.

Does that make sense? If so, can someone please reevaluate the status based on this understanding?

Thank you!

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To elaborate on the HTML example above - when I download the HTML of any email I've used local tokens on, the links will show up as:

{{my.token URL}}

instead of the value, which could be:

We have a lot of sales reps that ask for HTML emails to distribute to their prospects and this weakens the case for using tokens in our case because we have to edit the links after downloading the HTML.

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Status changed to: Open Ideas