Tokens in Social Share Button

Tokens in Social Share Button

Tokens should be enabled in the social share button. We use tokens heavily, and would prefer not to have to edit programs without them. Not having tokens in the social share button adds a huge workflow burden for creating programs.

Use Case 1: Dynamic External Share URL

{{my.contentCanonical}}: This is the canonical tag for the page that we want shared. Because we have separate landing pages with different testing on PPC campaigns, we don't want a social media visit to a PPC page. We would like to use this as the External Share URL. Changing this by hand with every new program is tedious.

Use Case 2: Dynamic Custom Share Content 

Creating custom dynamic share content.
For a tweet, this would be something like: "{{my.contentTitle}} {{my.shareVia}} {{my.shareHashtag}}".

{{my.contentTitle}}: The title of the content, used throughout the program (e.g., LP H1, Email title, TY H1).
{{my.shareHashtag}}: A hashtag defined at the program level, left blank if desired.
{{my.shareVia}}: E.g., "via @YeslerB2B"

For a LinkedIn share, those parts are not as relevant, and we might want to introduce other dynamic, relevant content as a suggested share.

Edward Unthank
SEO/Web Specialist
Level 5
This is such a great idea. I'm surprised it doesn't have more traction! It's so easy to forget to update the content in the social share buttons.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas