Tokens 2.0

Tokens 2.0

With the help of my very creative clients, we keep coming up with new ways to use tokens and continue to be disappointed by the limitations. Here are a few advancements to Tokens that I'd love to see!
  • Tokens within Meta Tags
  • Standard tokens nested within Program-level tokens
    • Currently, nested tokens are not supported and it's a single-pass only
  • If/Then Statements within Tokens (Idea here:
Not applicable
Tracking applied to tokens which contain Links. Currently if a link is in a token it isn't cookied so clicks aren't recorded.
Not applicable
Hi Adam, You can fix this by removing the "http://" from the token. So your email would look like <a href="http://{{my.Link}}">
Not applicable
I also like the idea of tokens being cross-program. The tricky part is to determine the 'winner' if both programs have the same token defined.

My use case:
I have a program for each piece of content we have (e.g. whitepaper on optimization). This program contains the teaser email for example. I drag-n-drop these content programs in engagement programs. Some content is so generic it's used in several engagement programs. But at the bottom of every email I have "Click here to learn more about 'engagement program topic'". I have put this message in a token, which is not defined in the content program, but in the engagement programs. This should allow me to have a different message in the same content/email depending on the engagement program it is used in. However at this point in time nothing happens as the engagement program token is not pushed to the used program.
Level 10
I'm incredibly, incredibly for recursive tokens—right now a lot of workarounds have to be done for this. However, in terms of if/then tokens, I find writing custom script tokens in Velocity allows this basic functionality quite nicely.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas