Term Definitions in Marketo


Term Definitions in Marketo

It would be very useful to have definitions of terms integrated into Marketo. For example, I'm going through the training videos right now on making field updates. In the video, it mentions that field type can be string, text, etc. (and just gives a couple of examples instead of the full universe of options). I don't know what a string field is/means, so I had to stop the video and head over to the community search box to see if I could find a posting somewhere that tells me what that means. 

Instead of doing that each time I come across a new term, it would be so helpful to have definitions in Marketo. I've seen this in many other programs - often in the form of little question marks or something that expand when you mouse over them and tell you what the term means and/or what the differences are among that term and the other choices for that particular field. It would be wonderful to have that in Marketo instead of coming back to the Community search box over and over again to try to dig up a post that explains what certain terms are and what the options are for each type of field. 
Level 2
In the foundations class I received a PDF glossary that was a supplemental piece. It was very helpful. Not sure if it's available (for free).
Not applicable
Thanks Liz! I'll dig around and see if I can find that somewhere. 
Not applicable
That's a great idea! Having to train two new team members made me realise how many Marketo terms have become second nature but they are not easy to grasp in one go. Channel, interesting moment, smart list, token, lead (vs SFDC lead), stream, cadence, program status, success, sales insight, champion/challenger, invalid vs suspended vs marketing suspended, communication limits, .... the list is endless!
Level 2
Did you ever find this glossary? I am in need of it as well. Thank you in advance!
Not applicable
Nope, I unfortunately can't seem to find it anywhere.
Level 3
I found a help article on a Glossary for Filter Items here: https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000LNFXCA4

But I agree, having the ability to hover over a filter or token item in the sidebar and having a definition pop up would be very helpful!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas