Programs have tag values and channels.
We should be able to grant or revoke access to a role on programs based on tag values (and or channels).
The rights would be finely defined at role level for each channel or for the values of one tag. Possible rights would be:
Program level
- Read Program (Would enable to access all program elements but change nothing)
- Create Program (Would enable to create a program with this specific tag value or channel)
- Delete program (Would enable to delete a program with this specific tag value or channel)
- Clone Program (Would enable to clone a program with this specific tag value or channel)
- Edit program (only enables to change program name and description), the other rights being managed below
- Create tokens,
- Edit tokens (edit the name/type of tokens),
- Change token values.
Assets (emails, forms, landing pages, social)
- Create assets
- Edit assets
- Approve assets
- Deleted assets
Smart campaigns
- Create Smart campaigns (Create an SC in the program)
- Edit smart campaigns flows (Edit the flows of the SC)
- Edit Smart Campaign target (Edit the smart list element of the SC)
- Edit Smart Campaign Qualification rules
- Schedule/activate Smart Campaigns
Lists / Smart Lists
- Create Lists
- Create Smart Lists
- Edit smart lists
- Delete Smart Lists
- Delete Lists
- Edit Lists Members (possibility to add / remove leads from a list)
- Create reports
- Edit reports
- Delete reports
- Manage members (enabling the possibility to manually run "Change program status" and "Change program success", as well as engagement program related flow steps)