Tag-Based or Channel-Based access control for Programs and Assets

Tag-Based or Channel-Based access control for Programs and Assets

Programs have tag values and channels.

We should be able to grant or revoke access to a role on programs based on tag values (and or channels).

The rights would be finely defined at role level for each channel or for the values of one tag. Possible rights would be:

Program level

  • Read Program (Would enable to access all program elements but change nothing)
  • Create Program (Would enable to create a program with this specific tag value or channel)
  • Delete program (Would enable to delete a program with this specific tag value or channel)
  • Clone Program (Would enable to clone a program with this specific tag value or channel)
  • Edit program (only enables to change program name and description), the other rights being managed below


  • Create tokens,
  • Edit tokens (edit the name/type of tokens),
  • Change token values.

Assets (emails, forms, landing pages, social)

  • Create assets
  • Edit assets
  • Approve assets
  • Deleted assets

Smart campaigns

  • Create Smart campaigns (Create an SC in the program)
  • Edit smart campaigns flows (Edit the flows of the SC)
  • Edit Smart Campaign target (Edit the smart list element of the SC)
  • Edit Smart Campaign Qualification rules
  • Schedule/activate Smart Campaigns

Lists / Smart Lists

  • Create Lists
  • Create Smart Lists
  • Edit smart lists
  • Delete Smart Lists
  • Delete Lists
  • Edit Lists Members (possibility to add / remove leads from a list)


  • Create reports
  • Edit reports
  • Delete reports


  • Manage members (enabling the possibility to manually run "Change program status" and "Change program success", as well as engagement program related flow steps)


Level 10

Hi Frank Passantino

Following our conversation in Las Vegas, I gave it some thoughts on the plane back to Paris and came up with this model.


Level 10

Hi Robb Barrett PRD​, you may like this one


Marketo Employee

So this would be a security feature?

Sorry we didn't have more time to chat. The week was a blur.

Level 10

Hi Robb,

Yes, this would be a security/ access control feature


Marketo Employee

Love it. This tag based security makes a ton of sense. I mean, who wouldn't love to be able to restrict their Operational Programs to only a select few? Those things are sabotage-friendly by the unknowing who poke around inside of scoring programs. I'd love to make them Read Only. 

I've had times where I get an emergency call that someone looking to copy my work accidentally deleted a segment and they're not sure what. I mean, I want people to be able to look, but not touch.

Level 10

Then vote


Level 10

Eloqua has something quite similar BtW.

Not applicable

Gregoire Michel​ it was great meeting you at Summit! We chatted briefly about the asset locking and folder level security at Summit, but would love to chat more about this to see if this project will address your use case.

Level 10

Hi Frank Passantino

Sure. i'll email you directly.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas