Sync Salesforce Records Based On Campaign Membership

Sync Salesforce Records Based On Campaign Membership

We only want Marketo to hold Salesforce Records which are being actively pursued through synced campaigns. If the record is not in a synced campaign, Marketo should not see it.

Currently, Salesforce records sync with Marketo independent of campaign membership. Record visibility is controlled by sharing rules in Salesforce and not by the campaign sync feature. Sharing rules only filter by fields on the Lead/Contact record (such as Lead Status) and cannot be based on campaign membership.

The discussion forums have suggested a checkbox on the lead/contact record to identify whether a record should sync with Marketo, but the real kicker is:
  • How can we make sure this box gets checked when a record is added to a campaign synced with Marketo
  • How can we make sure it gets unchecked only when it has completed all campaigns synced with Marketo (but keeps record of their campaign membership in Saleforce), and
  • How can we make sure if a record is added to a new campaign at a later date and re-synced to Marketo, it does not re-sync and re-run old campaigns?
Level 5
tthat is what i ended up doing. i had marketo create a custom sync rule based on "Sync to Marketo" field in SFDC
Not applicable
Status: Maybe One Day

'Carpe Diem!' - Seize the day. Let's make it TODAY not Maybe One Day 😉
Not applicable
Trish, did they create the field on the lead and contact record or on the account record? Also, I'm curious to know what edition of Salesforce you're using. I'm using Professional and I seem to be missing some of the sharing settings for Lead and Contacts. I can only create new sharing settings for Accounts. 
Level 5
the rule is based on leads (what marketo calls everything). i had to create the custom field in SFDC on both lead and contact object (and map them) and marketo wrote the rule. customer support can do this so you don't have to pay professional services. it is not tied to campaigns as Isaac wants to do - it is based on people we dont' want to sync to marketo but Marketo might have a way to do on campaigns.

we are using Enterprise version of salesforce

i am not sure what you mean by sharing settings- sorry
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas