Social Media button for emails and elseware


Social Media button for emails and elseware

I like the way Marketo implemented social media buttons for landing pages, but I'd like to be able to do the same for emails, and even just for building links that I can add elsewhere (like a PDF.) I often find that putting those buttons on the landing page is too early in the lead's interaction for them to want to share it yet.

Adding these links to share an the email (call it the social network version of Forward to a Friend functionality) that delivers a piece of content, or even within the content instelf, would be awesome.
Level 10
Yup it's a shame this is not available on the emails.  The old email application I used to use, had this capability. 
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Sharing buttons use javascript, which can't run in an email client like Outlook.  You can add social sharing buttons to the email, but they would need to link to a web page in order to execute.
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True, it can't use javascript, but as long as we're entering in all of the information to create social buttons for landing pages, Marketo could put it into the right format to build out a link:

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I'm confused--this thread indicates that Marketo does not support social emails, but the article below seems to indicate that Marketo does.

Creating Social Emails or Social Landing Pages

Can someone please elaborate?
Level 10
If you have the social engagement as part of your Marketo plan, then it probably isn't a problem for you, and it's isn't for me anymore. 
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That's odd, that article was posted in December of 2010 - before they had social media buttons for landing pages, but it references a tutorial about the [relatively new] feature.

In any case, what they're showing you in that article is what I'm looking for built in to Marketo. Rather than having to build out my own social charing URLs for emails, just click an "Embed" button in the Social Media Button wizard (currently only for landing pages) so I can paste it into an email.
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Hey all,

I'm going to open this one back up - is there any workaround for this if you don't have Social Engagement? I'm sending out email alerts when a new posts go up on our blog to some of my teams, and I'd like to include an option where they can directly share that specific blog post in the emails. Is this possible? I can't find anything in any of the links posted here that is very helpful.

Thanks in advance!
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Adding social buttons to emails is key, especially for event invitations and webinars. I am unable to view the above link. 
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This is a pretty standard feature accross any other email tool even those run by guys in their garage. Kinda silly not to have it.

Twitter, facebook and linkedin have URL based sharing. Marketo should be able to generate the link, much like it does the webversion link.

One work around that I am going to try is to create the link by using the webversion token.

for facebook
<a class="mktEditable" href="{{system.viewAsWebpageLink}}">Like</a>
for twitter
<a class="mktEditable" href="{{system.viewAsWebpageLink}}">Tweet</a>

This way the code can be pre-distributed through a template, and the link autopopulated. The issue will be updating the messaging, which I hope I can get around by making the element editable. I may have to resort to mktEditable span tags and train people to go into the elements source if not.

Anyone else have any ideas?
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Marketo is behind the times and needs to step up and add this basic feature which their less expensive competitors already have. We were surprised and very disappointed that Marketo does not have this functionality.