Smart List Counts


Smart List Counts

Idea- to add a smart list count (a little window or something) to the Smart List view, or add it to the first tab where all of your criteria are listed. This way you don't have to wait for the leads to load to see the count.

Example: I'm working through filtering out and cleaning up some of the database, I need to pull in new filters into smart lists and see what the numbers look like with different combinations of filters. For this, I don't really need to view the leads and their info, I need to get a feel of the quantity. This would help a lot time-wise.
Not applicable
This is an excellent idea! Especially for newbies and people chomping at the bit to see if there are any results! We NEED time saving techniques!
Not applicable
This may also benefit the processing load for database queries
Not applicable
The database query to get the leads is almost always faster than getting the count itself. Also, we show the count in the loading spinner when we do have a number earlier.

That said, we definitely want to make everything faster across the board, and as we do that it might be practical to show that number in more places.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas