Show Sync Backlog on Customer End


Show Sync Backlog on Customer End

Because of our frequent record updates in Salesforce, we've experienced some backlog issues with updating the records in Marketo.

Problem is, I don't have the same view of the backlog as the Support staff does, so I have no way of knowing for sure when we're caught up.

I think it'd be beneficial for admins to have access to that log somewhere on our end so we don't have to bother Support with inquiries around it.

Not applicable
This would be great!  We experience the same problems, and our SFDC team doesn't always fess up to mass updates.  I hate opening a case to just to find out that a member of our SFDC team wasn't honest about their database updating!  It would also be a nice perk to know the status on how long the backlog will last.  
I would also love more published documentation around the sync cycle and backlogs.  Will mass updating one field on 10,000 records cause a backlog?  If not, will mass updating 5 fields on 10,000 records cause a backlog?  If our SFDC Admin imports a list of 5,000 new records (not using Marketo), will that cause a backlog?  I would love to have concrete numbers on what kind of field updates, lead creation, and campaign member imports can cause backlog.  This way I could provide my SFDC team with concrete best practices on how many records they can update at a time, how many fields they can update at once, etc.
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Jenny, I agree. I need to know all those same things. We now sync updated records every 2 hours and all records overnight. But we're STILL getting backlogged! I'm trying to figure out which of our custom fields we could block (and how we could block them) in order to stop so many records from needing to be synced. Even at a healthy sync rate, the overnight is causing a huge backlog that takes nearly all day to recover from. We track a lot of frequently changing fields to know specific data on how our customers use our product, so it seems like we're victims of our own success.
Not applicable
Agreed - having visibility into sync backlog would be hugely beneficial for us. Right now, we don't have that visibility and have to open support tickets just to find out backlog and get updates on the sync time. Our salesforce instance updates very frequently and sometimes in large numbers. Not having this visibility has caused us to not know we've been impacted by a huge backlog until it's too late! 
Not applicable
This would be such a win for us as well - please figure out an admin window for visiblity to start with for this stuff.
Not applicable
We need this! As an admin we need to be ahead of the sync issues.
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Please give admins access to this!

Level 4

Hi Cheryl Chavez​, has there been any updates to this? It's been three years since this post and it was marked by Marketo with "We Like This".

We consistently see backlogs on the account object which affects our email triggers for our time-sensitive product. We have limited the fields which are allowed to sync and we have tried to investigate with our Salesforce Admins, but it's incredibly difficult to effectively investigate without access to the logs. It would be much more helpful to see the same Sync Statistics that Marketo support can see.

Level 5

Revived this idea along with a second suggestion:

2) Admins should be able to set a notification threshold number. For example if there is a backlog of 30,000 campaign updates, I would know something is wrong as that is a fair chunk of our leads. Everyone's instance is different, our backlog threshold may be different from another company which allows us to control what "warning notification" threshold we want set.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas