Show ALL Contacts that are added to Marketo Sales Insight - Watch Lists

Show ALL Contacts that are added to Marketo Sales Insight - Watch Lists

Currently the Marketo Sales Insight Watch Lists will only display Contacts that have an Opportunity associated to them. If the Opportunity is Closed or is the Opportunity has been deleted, the Contact will not be displayed on the Watch List. It would be a great if the Sales Insight watch list would allow you to watch a Lead or a Contact regardless of an Opportunity status.
Not applicable
Casting my vote! 
Not applicable
This would be SO valuable for my sales team!
Level 7

I feel like this is basic functionality. From a seller's perspective, I'd think it would be extremely valuable to be able to watch people so that you can then work them to create more opportunities. If they have an open opportunity with a contact/lead, they already know they are watching that person on their own because they are following-up to close the opportunity.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas