Send notifications for errors encountered in "Sync Lead to SFDC" flow step


Send notifications for errors encountered in "Sync Lead to SFDC" flow step

Currently Marketo sends notification on Campaigns that have failed, but will not send a notification if an individual flow step fails. These failures are logged in the Activity log of a Lead, however this does not help in situations where it is a critical Marketing goal to sync a lead to SFDC. It would be ideal if Marketo would send at least one notification per Campaign for failed flow steps so that Users can be sure to correct any problems that can affect their marketing goals.
Not applicable
Agreed.  This is something we've experienced a few times and we would like either an alert or event better a smart list that shows all the leads that were meant to pass through the "synch to SFDC" flow but failed to do so.
Level 2
There should be a solution to be made aware of if an individual lead is not synched to Salesforce. At the moment we are losing these leads as we cannot check every activity log of leads to see if the synch worked. A solution to this issue would be very helpful to our business.
Not applicable
This seems like a no brainer!
Level 1
If you would have one or two leads a week it would be OK to go through the whole manual step of checking the activity log. If however you need to consult European or Global results with Campaigns this is not achievable.
A possibility to run a scheduled report to system administrators or key users in Marketo would be a possible solution.
If this report would then also link to the actual lead and informs why the lead was not synced to SFDC it would be evern more usefull.
As indicated if it would be a report, possibly part of a campaign, so users can deside by themselves if they would see this 'failure'  report, GREAT.
Looking forward to receiving the good news when this will be implemented.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas