Search emails by Subject Line, From Email Address, From Name, etc

Search emails by Subject Line, From Email Address, From Name, etc

We add emails to Marketo pretty frequentlly and therefore, number of emails is constantly growing so it could get harder and harder to keep track of it. What I would like to do is to be able to search emails not only by email name but by content that is inside the email: subject line, from name, from email address, reply-to email address, body copy, etc.

For example:

I'd like to find subject lines in all emails that have a word "FREE". 
Not applicable
This would be really helpful in my day-to-day work as well. Sounds like a very basic feature to me, so I was surprised Marketo cannot do that.
Level 2

I work in Canada and I work with my colleagues in the US division closely. We have the same instance of MKTO, but different workspaces. I get their test emails and sometimes I want to "borrow" their email for my own purposes. All I have is the final email.. trying to find the original file in marketo is close to impossible, trying to figure out other people's nomenclature for files and folders, etc. Having the ability to find an email with the subject line would be *SO* much easier.

Not applicable

my team consistently comes back to this point when looking for emails. This would be a huge feature win.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Level 4

Love this idea. Would also like to add/note that it would be helpful to be able to search both for tokens (e.g. contains {{my.Subject Line}}) and the actual token output - currently we are struggling because we created sort of a hack of this using RCE (which is not ideal since data takes so long to enter RCE), but it only shows the token value and not the token output, so if your subject line is a token, you are SOL when it comes to using RCE.