Retain field value for a date in the past

Retain field value for a date in the past

I'd love to have an ability to filter leads by a field value in the past, not the current one.
E.g., we have a field "Current Interest" that is based on Web behavior and is rewritten from time to time. Then, filtering would be like:
Current Preference -- was equal to "Fluffy Kitten" -- on May 10th, 2014.
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Hi Elena >

One way to tackle this is to have a 2nd field. "All Interests" and then everytime a new Current interest is added, then add it onto the All intersts fields by passing two tokens - {{lead.Current Interest}} {{lead.All Interests}} - then you can say All Interests contains "Fluffy Kitten". Tying that to a date is going to be a lot harder to accomplish.
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Elena, I'm curious, what would you actually end up doing with this data?
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@Adam, that's really smart, thank you! 

@Erik, our leads enter nurturing programs based on a certain values of 'Product' field (1 program = several values), and for each program, I'd like to make a list of members broken down by 'Product' value they entered the program with.  The thing is, this field is often rewritten and the exact value that triggered the nurturing sequence will be lost.
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I see, and do you have a lot of different products or just a few?
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We have around 30 product codes - I think it can be called "a lot". Currently we're using Interesting Moments where Product value is inserted by a token, and a parser that grabs the values from Interesting Moments and makes a breakdown in a corresponding report in CRM. I just thought there could be a simplier solution.
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Got it. So you could make a field for each one, but that would probably be more fields than you want to manage.
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Right, that will be too many fields. But your suggestion could be very useful for someone else in a similar situation:)
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Status changed to: Open Ideas