Marketo, please fix the "expected" behavior of the program status field values of a "Member of Program" filter (in a smart list). I know there are existing ideas related to this ( and, but neither of them include everything here.
I opened up a support ticket that included the following issues:
1). Whenever we add a "Program Status" constraint to a "Member of Program" filter, Marketo doesn't limit the choices to just the program statuses of the channel of the program. For example, in this smart campaign ( - where the channel for this Program is "Roadshow - Live Event", the listing of Program Statuses is EVERY status within our instance. Why isn't this limited to just the program statuses of this channel (which is how it works within flow steps)?
Marketo response: this is by design I believe as it queries the values in the database for that field, thus returning all the values. It's just the way the system is designed.The fact that ALL program statuses (including MKTO test values!) - not just those that are related to a specific program/channel - causes a greater chance for defining a smart list with invalid values. For example, everywhere else in a smart campaign (flow steps), just those values that are related to the program/channel are made available. 2). To limit this list, I thought that typing in the first few characters of the channel, e.g., "Roadshow", would return any program statuses that have "roadshow" in the name. That doesn't work either.
Marketo response: This auto-complete only works for actual status values and not channels. EG. You can search for "Unsubscribed" or "Subscribed" or "Visited", but you can't search for "Roadshow" or "Blog" or "Tradeshow"This needs to be fixed to be more usable.3). There is no sort order - it's just a random list of values.
Marketo response: The Program Status list is in the order of status ID, which also reflects the create date of the channel.What is the logic behind this? Why not at least sort it alphabetically?