Online version of email


Online version of email

We need to be able to have an online version of our email that doesn't allow tracking. We have multiple links in our emails so to add the no tracking on each link would be tedious. You don't offer a generic "view as webpage," so we are really at a loss to be able to provide our emails to either our internal staff or to those that what to see what our newsletters are all about before signing up. In the past I was providing the "view as webpage" link from my own lead and just recently realized that wasn't generic, but was cookieing everyone with my info. No wonder my lead score was crazy! Please advise on the best work around so I can have a generic online version for people to see without being cookied.

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For our internal staff, we provide a PDF version of the email.

You can also quickly mass mark all your links as "mktNoTrack" with the following steps.
  1. Copy the HTML from your email into a text editor. 
  2. Search for the occurence of the start anchor tag "<a " and replace it with "<a class="mktNoTrack" ".
  3. Copy the HTML in the text editor and paste it over the HTML in your email.
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Thanks, Elliott! We are offering the PDF version for now, but it's a workaround that I really don't like. I'll try the other solution you gave. Thanks again!
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Are you suggesting that we edit the sent email, add the mktNoTrack to each link, then re-approve and send a test so that we can grab the 'View as a webpage' URL at the top? Just want to make sure I understand your suggestion.

We can't do something like add mkNoTrack to the 'View as a webpage' URL, as mentioned for landing pages in this article?

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Sarah - I'm suggesting that you clone your email and edit it using the technique I suggested to ensure the links are not tracked.  Then you would email that version to yourself and then share it with others using its View as a webpage link.
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Or you could just send the email to everyone you want to share it with rather than going through the steps of sending to yourself and then mailing the view as web page link.
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Elliott- I believe that worked! Thank you so much for giving me that work around!!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it