Offline Engagements


Offline Engagements

I want to be able to contact my leads via telephone and follow up with an e-mail, change their lead score ect. based on their response in the call. Is there an easy/ automated way to do this? For example, if they stay on the phone for a certain number of minutes, what is the easiest way to increase their score to reflect this?
Not applicable
If you are syching Marketo to a CRM, your reps can log an activity in the contact record with a specific Subject.  Then you would create a smart campaign whose smart list has the Activity was Logged filter with a Description constraint.  The Description is the "Subject" in SFDC.  The smart campaign's flow would use a Score flow step to increment the desired score field's value.
Not applicable
This is an excellent idea Elliott !!, Thanks
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it