Nurture Flows Visualization Map


Nurture Flows Visualization Map

This idea is similar to a few existing ideas (both worth voting for   and ) but I've got a few twists.

I have to manually update my Visio map of my nurtures, the logic that sends leads between nurtures, and the number of leads in each program. I'd love for that process to be automated. Something similar to to Eloqua's campaign canvas, but this one doesn't have to be editable. I'd just like to see - in one scrollable screen - all of my engagement programs, campaign membership, and the logic that connects the programs.

Level 2

Eloqua's campaign canvas is easy to put complex flows together. Although, it wasn't perfect, especially as the canvas got more crowded and all the lines started crisscrossing the screen. A Visio style canvas would be excellent, not only for creating flows but also for printing them out, saving them, evaluating previously created smart campaigns and trying to make sense of them.  Here's hoping Marketo builds a similar feature soon.

Level 7

I want something at an even higher level - not just a map of a program, but a map of all my programs!

Lets build it and sell it to Marketo.

Level 2

That would be interesting to see.  I like it. 

Not applicable

I would really like to see this as a feature. Eloqua and Pardot are both doing it now. It would make things much much easier when you are working on large teams, onboarding new staff, collaborating across multiple countries, etc. to have this functionality in the box.

I also think that the "Stream" concept that Marketo uses is less reflective of how users interact with content. I don't want to have to create streams with every permutation of content so that I can skip the parts that a user has already seen. The Eloqua method of having logic ahead of each cast (and the ability to skip parts of the stream) is much much simpler.

Not applicable

I have to agree.  The UX needs to move away from Windows 95 folders / tab interface and something more visually intuitive. 

Applying a single framework to multiple different processes is not intuitive and leads to confusion while trying to manage the complexity that advance campaigns can present.

The ability to manage all the assets, decisions, actions and data transformations in a visual interface would be very beneficial.

Not applicable

Have seen multiple Visio flows and had the same thought. Would be much easier for marketing managers to see engagements in this manner - so if not control of how engagements work via visual flow - at least having ability to report on engagements in such a fashion would be useful.

The nurture stream view is just not enough to explain and illustrate engagements that are possible within the system.

Great idea!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas