Next Cast Size for Engagement Program/Nurture Program

Next Cast Size for Engagement Program/Nurture Program

It's possible to view the size of the "last cast" in an engagement program, and the expected size of the next "cast" of every other type of campaign or email send. Would be very nice to see the expected size of each "next cast."

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

@anne_sample_f5  When you say size of last cast do you mean people in the stream and who received the last email?

If you are looking for people you can change to View: PEOPLE it will confirm the last cast and you can cross-check with Members and Program Reports to see the number that qualify and are marketable leads to receive the next email.

Agree it's not all on one screen showing last and estimated next cast numbers if that is what you are looking for which could be handy to see how different streams are performing and drop off or leads exiting nurture programs.

Level 4

@Zoe_Forman yes, I'm referring to the function in People view called "Last Cast." It's not really feasible to use the method you describe (cross-checking members and program reports) because I'd have to do that for every email in every stream to get a clear picture.


Though now I'm thinking maybe I could use Engagement Stream Performance, filter by, say, activity in the last week, then add smart list criteria of my nurture eligibility status and comm limit tracker...


But still. That's pretty convoluted and requires me to already track those things to report on this. It's weird that Marketo doesn't have this feature since you can see expected membership size for the next "cast" of any other type of smart campaign.