Need the ability to create alerts when leads experience a sync error to CRM


Need the ability to create alerts when leads experience a sync error to CRM

We just experienced a failed "MQL alert" to a specific marketer as a result of the lead not being able to be synced to CRM properly ("Failed employee with key [employee name] not found") - and therefore, never received the alert.  Had a member of my team not been copied on the alert, there's no way we would have known this issue occured.  It would be very helpful if Marketo added to the list of triggers available when creating smart campaigns, to include ones that can pick up on this type of issue.  In fact, this wasn't even picked up in our Notifications area. Or even more feature-rich functionality for when these types of issues exist.  I just feel we're left in the dark and end up finding out about these issues well after the fact as a result of just coming across it by other means.

Level 5
Dan, is the CRM Sync subscription in the Notifcations area insufficient?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Scott, the CRM sync notifications did not pick up on this type of sync issue.  So no, these don't work here.
Level 5
Wow that's really frustrating. Definitely a good idea to improve coverage on CRM sync issues.
Level 10
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas