Member of Workspace Filter

Member of Workspace Filter

It would be great if we could filter leads by Member of Workspace.  Is this possible?
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Does using the "Member of Lead Partion" work for you? That seems to get everyone in our work space.
Not applicable
Thanks - I'll try that!

Not applicable
Well, unfortunately this did not work for me...
Not applicable
Can you elaborate why not? Leads are members of partitions and not workspaces, so the partition filter should give you the right answer.
Not applicable
There was nothing to choose in the dropdown box that accompanied that filter when I tried to "pick" something...  We have more than 25 workspaces, so that list should have been populated sith something, i thought...
Not applicable
Hmm. Do your workspaces map to different partitions or just one?
Not applicable
We have a similar situation, with multiple workspaces (for ease of use by different product families), and one lead partition (to enable cross-selling between product families).
We're using the munchkin tracking codes specific to each workspace-partition combination (the first drop down under Admin, Munchkin, which changes wsInfo), but there's no way to filter them by workspace as Angela explained.

I believe the fundamental reason for this is that Marketo assumes that partitions will always be 'smaller' than workspaces, which is not the case for us.
"A workspace is made of one or more lead partitions"

When your workspaces share a partition, things like this do not work:
"In a workspace, you can only see leads from that workspace"
"you can use Munchkin javascript tracking to automatically assign your anonymous visitors to the correct workspace and partition."
This problem seems to happen even if you use the workspace-specific munchkin codes.
"get a Munchkin tracking script for a specific workspace and partition"
"New leads who visit your website will get assigned to that workspace and partition."
It appears that actually, a lead can only be assigned to a partition, and not to a workspace.

The folks from our product families want to be able to filter web activity of their pages, based on their workspace codes in those (many) pages.
Have I missed any other aspects or ways of accomplishing this?


Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it