Match leads using multiple email addresses

Match leads using multiple email addresses

When a new lead record is created (through an import, web form fill, etc...), Marketo currently compares the email address entered with any already on file. If no lead exists with that email address, a new record is created.

If an existing lead provides a new email address on a web form, a duplicate is created. When I merge these duplicates, I lose valuable information: alternate email addresses. 

It would be great if these alternate email addresses could be stored somewhere, and used for preventing duplicates.


Joe Smith exists as a lead, and his email address is
Joe filles out a web form with a different email address ( and a duplicate record is created.
The duplicate is noticed, and the two records are merged (the old email is kept -
Joe fills out another form, again using This time, Marketo recognizes the email address as belonging to Joe Smith, and his lead record is updated accordingly.

Side note: When I send emails from Marketo, I still only want the emails to go to the main email address for that lead. These alternate addresses would only be used for preventing duplicates.

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Have you had any experience with maintaining an alternate email address on a lead/contact record in Marketo?  I would like to store the alternate as validation process (ie.  So, we know Joe is a valid employee. 

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If you get any answers on this please post them.  I would be interested in how to minimize the duplication in the database. Thanks
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Hi Cos,
I have not seen any tools for Marketo that behave like the idea posted (where multiple email addresses are used to identify a single Lead).
As for the validation of employee email addresses, it sounds like you want a tool that watches the domain name of the email address (and identifies when someone with the same email domain is entered). I have not seen anything like that for Marketo either, although I did try out an app in Salesforce that attempts to group leads based on their email domain (, which may help with such identification.
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You can learn more about the RingLead integration with Marketo here.

Currently over 100 Marketo customers, including Marketo itself, use RingLead's advanced data quality tools to both remove and prevent duplicates in Marketo and Salesforce, but also to normalize their, data, too.

This is a link to a recording of a webinar given by Jeff Shearer, from Egencia, the 2014 Marketo Champion of the Year gave on 3/26 where he discusses  how he uses RingLead to create new Contacts at existing Accounts when records are created, rather than creating every new record as a Lead. He also talks about preventings duplicates of course, as well as Data Shield.

Please join and contribute to my LinkedIn Group, the Salesforce Data Quality Forum

f you want to talk about your company's data plan or data quality best practices, don't be shy, I'm easy to find.
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Hi Greg,
We are already a RingLead client. Does RingLead allow for duplicate matching based on multiple email addresses for a single person?
I know RingLead can search both Leads and Contacts for possible duplicates, but I believe it still only searches the main "email field" for each of those objects (which would mean RingLead would benefit from this feature as well).
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Our leads have both a work email address and personal email address. Where work email address exists we use that, else we use the personal email address. Our lists are imported daily and not synchronised with a CRM.

I do however import a "contactID" which identifies a person even if they provided different email addresses through form fill out or list import. I run a report in Marketo with a Group By on "contactID." This gives me all the duplicates but I can Drill-Down into and attempt to merge. I haven't merged any yet and am looking for a better solution to identify them!

I am experiencing the same issues as you Adriel. Please let me know if you find a solution to your problem.

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Duplicate post sorry.

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Great idea Adriel Briscoe​, I would love to see this in the product as well! This is becoming increasingly important for tying together activity on social networks as most of those accounts use personal email addresses and relying on company email addresses typically provides very low match rates when creating custom audience targeting.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas