Marketo NEEDS better and more detailed reporting!


Marketo NEEDS better and more detailed reporting!

This idea was prompted by our current (extremely clunky) method of delivering lead information on email engagement. We're currently having to create a multitude of Smart Lists when we want to pull through specific lead records on email engagement - after which we create Smart List Subscriptions which are sent to our Local Marketers who need to perform immediate follow ups. Some of them don't have Marketo logins.

Yes, we can currently pull out Email and Email Link Performance reports showing the raw statistics - but this is a very basic level of reporting.

What we NEED - is the ability to pull through individual records of lead engagement on assets (such as emails) in an amalgamated list/Smart List identiying specifically what link was interacted with and the list of people who did.

Platforms such as Watson/Silverpop can do this with ease... Why can't Marketo?

I would like to hear your thoughts!

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Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas