Marketo integration with Zapier


Marketo integration with Zapier

With Zapier you can easily create (almost) custom integration between a bunch of web apps - but not Marketo 😞

Add Marketo and there would be a bunch of exiting integration just waiting around the corner. Event apps such as Eventbrite and Meetup. More examples include Drupal, Disqus, Wordpress, Twitter, Facebook incl. Pages, SurveyMonkey, well a bunch and also webhooks, emails, smtp, rss.

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Yea this was pretty cool with Hubspot. 
Level 3

I looked into that too! But did not find Marketo.   We should all go vote  Zapier to add Marketo. If they get enough requests, they will look into developing it. It works great with Salesforce but it would nice to have the same info only in Marketo.

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Recently was looking at Kevy to do some cloud integration with Marketo with misc apps. No feedback yet.
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Liked & subscribed. This would open up endless possibilities!
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Still would LOVE this integration, come on MKTO team!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

What exactly are you trying to do?  "Integration" means many things.  And these multi-vendor apps typically define it in the way that is easiest for them, not the way that an actual Marketo user would define it (let alone an IT person who doesn't want to create a giant security risk, like "integrations" that use your SOAP credentials, a.k.a. root access to Marketo).

Level 2

Zapier has a beta integration with Marketo. I'm a beta tester and it works pretty well, although sometimes you need multiple refreshes when setting the zaps up.

If you suggest it to Zapier it will become live sooner and they will spend more time on it based on the number of people who recommend the integration.

I'm already successfully using it with Eventbrite and SumoMe.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

I presume this is one of the integrations where they don't bother reminding you that you can only run the Zaps until you run out of API calls, and that every Zap takes away one (or more) API call you needed for another integration.

Please surprise me...

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Hey Brit Miklos​ -

Could you tell me more about how you're leveraging Marketo/Zapier/Eventbrite? We currently have EventBrite feeding directly into SFDC. Ideally, we'd like all leads to come in through Marketo.

Thanks in advance,


Level 2

Hi Christina,

We have the Zaps setup so that when an action runs in Eventbrite, then it talks to Zapier and tells Marketo to do something.


1. Someone registers for an event and it triggers Zapier

2. Zapier tells Marketo to update a contact or add a new lead.

3. Zapier adds them to a list in Marketo.

I've found that using a 3 step approach allows me to build additional triggers in Marketo based on leads being added to lists.

I did have some trouble with the change from registered to attended for an event. But now it looks like the Marketo integration is out of beta, so I expect some more support and better consistency from Zapier. Here's the high level view of it in Zapier. It also allows for you to test each step until you are successful.

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 10.53.28 AM.png

As to Sanford's question about API limits and how it affects your other programs, I'm not sure whether they specifically call this out or not, but I think that if you are at the level of incorporating multiple platforms you should be cognizant of this, and it is something to keep in mind.