Make the Ipad app really work offline

Make the Ipad app really work offline


Some tradeshows we are attending do not offer Wifi, or at killing costs. Currently, if you shut down the ipad app, you need to be online to be able to open it again.

It would be much better if the behaviour was that one need to be online and connect to marketo to synch before and after the event but in between the user could open and close the app as needed.

My 2 cents,
Not applicable
One thing I do with my iPad is I set up a mobile hotspot through my cell phone so that a) I don't need a data plan just for the iPad and b) it's online with me wherever I go.

Two problems with this: 1) cell phone hotspots drain battery power very fast. You'd need to make sure the cell phone is plugged in for the duration of the event to maintain the connection. 2) Some conferences have really bad cell signal so under those conditions a hotspot wouldn't help you.
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