Make it obvious you are in the sandbox

Make it obvious you are in the sandbox

On certain days, I am in and out of both the sandbox and production environment of Marketo. I would like to be absolutely certain which environment I am in with only a glance... without have to navigate or log out and back in.


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I agree it would be nice if a sandbox was, for example, a different color.

Something we've done to make it clear whether we're in a production instance or a sandbox is to place that in the user name. For example, the user first name is "Charles Thompson" and the user last name is "- Acme Sandbox". Since the user is displayed on every page, I can just glance at the bar at the top and see "Charles Thompson - Acme Sandbox" at any time to see which instance I'm working in.
Level 3
That's a great idea Charles. I'll do that until something better comes along. 

Thanks for taking the time!
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Maybe even sand coloured.. Being able to switch from one to the other would be nice too.

Not applicable

This is a great idea. We are working on to it in near future. Will update once we have more details.


Product Management

Not applicable

Please reach out to me at for more details on how we will be supporting it. We have some ideas in product management but would love to validate the user experience.

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If you look at my profile name, you'll see (LIVE) next to it, I have (SANDBOX) next to my profile in my sandbox.

But yeah would be great to have a different colour!

Not applicable

I don't even have sandbox but I'm voting on this as I know how confusing sandboxes/production is in SFDC (cs vs na)

Not applicable

We do the same thing, and its working pretty well.

Not applicable

I agree with needing this for Sandbox. I would also like it as we have 2 production instances of Marketo currently (2nd came with a company acquistion) so with sandbox also I have three Marketo instances I have access to.

Be great if like Outlook we could apply a different background/ colour to each instance - see screenshot example of this is Outlook.


Not applicable

Hi Kara,

In Spring'16, we will release a feature called as 'friendly name of a subscription' which will allow you to name your subscriptions and the name will appear on top of the pages. This way you know you are in sandbox or production.



Product Management