make a "Search Archived Folders" function


make a "Search Archived Folders" function

As an admin it would be great to have this ability, as I have archived piles of old assets from years past, but from time to time we need to dig up an old program or list etc.

I know that 'workarounds' could include unarchiving all the archived stuff first, then search (but this would mean 1. I have to manually re-archive everything once I am done and 2. My search will be going through all the other assets in Marketo at the same time) - or alternatively just going through everything manually.

Ideally, the 'archived search' function would just be an additional option in the search bar dropdown that is there currently, and would allow me to not just search archived assets, but search just archived assets, becaue I would be explicitly looking for legacy content and not current stuff.
Not applicable

At the very least, this functionality should be developed for support. When I contact support because a folder has gone missing and they tell me that it has been archived but they are unable to tell me where, that's sort of pathetic.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

This would be immensely helpful! I inherited a super messy Marketo instance, with no naming or foldering convention. I archived a ton of old stuff in Marketing Activities. Sometimes I need to find an old item and it's impossible!

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

You are able to search for archived content and across all section in Marketo via Alt-F. Very helpful.

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

published this post on how to do this: Searching for Archived Programs/Content (it's possible....)

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Status changed to: Open Ideas