Login / logout on Marketo Community site

Login / logout on Marketo Community site

Every time I visit the community site, I arrive logged in as the user who is currently logged in to Marketo at the time (and i have many marketo users over several instances).  I don't see controls on the Marketo site to log out, I have to go clear my browser cookies to log out then log back into the community as "me".

Logout button please?  Thanks!
Not applicable
I had the same issue today...
Not applicable
I have the same issue.  I resorted to deleting any Marketo cookies to force a log out.  I tried just deleting the Marketo Communtiy cookies, however I still noticed login isssues unless all Marketo cookies were deleted.  I know this is not a solution for everyone, but may work for some people.  Not the most user friendly thing to do by any means.
Not applicable
There definitely needs to be a logout button feature added!
Not applicable
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas