I would love an instant unsubscribe feature that still works with Marketo's reporting.
According to support, it seems the only option for unsubscribing is for a person to click the link and then confirm on a form. I know there are ways to have an "instant unsubscribe" but I can't find one that works with Marketo's reporting (unsubscribes show up in clicks and have to be manually removed).
This seems like a no-brainer because the majority to users who click unsubscribe just want to unsubscribe, so why make them do more work? This is especially important to us (B2C) because most of our subscribers are on mobile so if they don't have to wait for another page to load, that would be preferable.
Using language like "one click unsubscribe" and "instant unsubscribe" caused our spam complaints to drop significantly. However, reporting has become burdensome.
I would be so happy if here is something I am overlooking or if this feature is coming soon!