Improve the design studio search in new UI.

Improve the design studio search in new UI.

I hope I'm not the only one that is having this issue, or at least is similarly frustrated.


The current state of the search system of design studio is extremely flawed. It took me about 10 minutes to find the document I needed in my instance due to the change of the search from "contains" to "starts with." It got to the point that I may as well went through my 10 pages of documents in the specific folder to just find the file because it would have been faster. No other search system does has "starts with" for a search. Also, trying to find all the pdfs that talk about similar things is non existent (i.e. I want to see all pdfs that mention "UX" in the title).


This, in my opinion, is a bad user experience. The new marketo UI is powerful, and overall very awesome, but I shouldn't have to switch to vanilla Marketo to search for a pdf.


1 Comment
Level 7

I second this! I've spent a lot of time in one of our workspaces' Design Studios this week and searching for files as we're used to gives no results now because the search isn't inclusive - it requires one to be specific on the file name. Even if I had detailed knowledge of the files that had been uploaded, there's no way I'd remember file names exactly enough for this search function to work.


Agreed that this is a terrible user experience, especially with so much history in the system (people who are no longer with the company would have uploaded files in the past), and multiple users in Marketo every day (I'm not watching them upload things they need for one-off emails). 


It should go without saying that if a UI update is being made (and it's a lovely one!) the functionality doesn't change, but this isn't a search function that ANY system would benefit from. I, too, will have to swap back to the Default UI to be able to use it properly!