HTML CTA Elements for email and LP templates

HTML CTA Elements for email and LP templates

Adding CTA's to a template can be troublesome:

  • Either you use a rich text element and you have the risk that the user makes some errors (such as erasing some inline CSS styles)
  • Or you use some variables (email 2.0 or guided LP) and create a CTA text and CTA URL variable, but then you cannot include this CTA in a "clonable" module (since when you clone the module, it does not clone the variables, and you would end up with all your CTA's having the same label and same URL)

So I propose that Marketo adds a CTA element that would enable to set the text and the link URL. These 2 settings could of course taken tokens as values.

it would take the aspect of

<a class="mktTextCTA" mktoDefaultValue="Here is my text" mktoDefaultLink="" mktoMaxLength="40" style="[all my styles here]" mktoTarget="_blank" href=""></a>

And the generated result would be

<a class="mktTextCTA" href="" style="[all my styles here]" target="_blank" href="">Here is my text</a>

The attributes would be:

  • mktoDefaultValue: the default value for the text
  • mktoDefaultLink: the default URL to be set for the href attribute
  • mktoMaxLength: the max length for the text
  • mktoTarget: the target for the link, editable as a pick list (New window|_blank, Same window|_parent, ...)

The new image Element in the email editor enables the user to set a link and to generate an image CTA, but here we are talking about text CTA's, that anyone concerned by deliverability should prefer


Level 10

With the event of Module level variables, this one is not really needed any more.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas