Google Adwords Integration - Google Adwords, Marketo and Salesforce


Google Adwords Integration - Google Adwords, Marketo and Salesforce

It really is time we voted up Google Adwords connectivity. Anybody today using google Adwords should be measuring the success through to sale especially when blessed with Marketo and Salesforce. Assigning sales dollars to keywords, landing pages and more is crucial if you want to measure electronic success today

One massive advantage I have found is matching a keyword or phrase from a lead that came in by telephone through the data being available in Marketo. So many leads are captured through Marketo prior to the telephone call which is followed by an email communication that often connects the dots on the lead.

Currently getting this connection of the adwords and web interaction connected into Salesforce is a nightmare.

Please vote this up so we can get a beeter solution


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Love the idea but one update.  As of Salesforce Spring '12 SFGA has been depreciated for existing customers and supported until Q1 2013 and is not availible to new customers/org merges after Feb 12, 2012.
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Thanks @Eric. What is the best alternative for AdWords users?
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There are a series of 4 Help articles which describe how Marketo users can configure Marketo to manage, nuture and measure leads that are created from Google Adwords. You can view the first article here. The other 3 related articles are linked at the end of the article.

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We would love an integration that goes right down to the AdWords campaign level!
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There are rumors of this coming in the fall. Stay tuned.
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I have not heard any news about an integration between AdWords and Marketo. Something I would say is key for at least us since AdWords makes up a big part of the media spend. I find it weird that we are using a leading marketing automation service that puts analytics as one of their strong areas and still need to resort to other vendors like Bizible for AdWords tracking. Sad.
Level 1
I agree Carl, indeed it is sad. Original idea was posted in 2011 and there's still no true integration.This has been a capability for at least one other major marketing automation tool for years now.

From my research, Marketo's integration involves a cumbersome process of adding URL parameters to ads, custom java script coding to turn URL parameters into cookies, and adding hidden field to all web forms to capture the values. That's not marketing automation. 
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In our March release (next Friday), we will be launching our new AdWords-Marketo integration so that you can tie performance of AdWords ad campaigns / ad groups / ads to Marketo revenue model stages (e.g. target, qualified lead,  opportunity, won). We've been testing it out with a dozen beta customers and getting positive feedback. Details will be sent out as part of the normal release process.
Level 1
Thanks for the quick response Ei-Mang! I look forward to learning about it.
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Fantastic news Ei-Mang, like Ken I really look forward to learning more about it!