Gloabal Template Update Approval


Gloabal Template Update Approval

When you make a update to a template, you need to approve the page/email before you see the change. I would love to see an option that allows you push all the pages/email as you push the template. 

I know this is scary proposition because some pages may not be ready to go live, but having it there would be a great option!

Not applicable
This could be done safely if the global update approval would only happen if the template change was the only change pending approval on each individual page.
At present, we're faced with checking all of these manually before approving the template, which is very tedious.

Here are the painful steps we currently go through when updating a landing page template:
a)    check to see if there are unapproved (unpublished) drafts (usually are, because it’s easy to unintentionally make an edit, which is autosaved)
b)    work with the content owner to get those drafts checked for unintended edits (requires side by side visual comparison in most cases)
c)    approve any drafts which are ok to do so
d)    record any drafts which are truly works in progress, so that you don’t approve those before they’re supposed to be public
e)    make your template change
f)    approve your template change, which creates an unapproved draft of every page depending on the template
g)    approve the draft of every page that depends on the template, except for those that are truly works in progress
h)    (works in progress will receive the template changes, and be published later)
i)    this also assumes that you can do the steps instantaneously, so that the data you got in steps a-d is still valid when you get to steps e-g, but this is not often the case, so you have to check again
Not applicable
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Status changed to: Open Ideas