Forms in an email


Forms in an email

Can you consider making it possible for us to embed a form into an email?  That way they can request content directly from the pre-filled out form in the email instead of having to link to a LP to do the exact same thing.  Less clicks.
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Sending people to a landing page from a Marketo email allows you to set/query the Marketo cookie in theiir web browser. Although not ideal as far as user experience this is foundation for lead scoring and Sales Insight. Consider making the asset available un-gated (no form...just a link) on. Marketo landing page.
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Due to the differences between how email clients deal with forms the consensus is that it is not good practice to embed forms oin an email. Have a read through this :
Level 2
Good points - I was just trying to make it so that when someone got an invitation to an event, it could arrive with their RSVP info already pre-filled in the form for confirmation/updates, and they could just take action immediately while their interest was at its greatest.   
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The form on the landing page will pre-fill...
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Passing URL parameters is the most suitable solution for "trying to make it so that when someone got an invitation to an event, it could arrive with their RSVP info already pre-filled in the form for confirmation/updates, and they could just take action immediately"

You can then use hidden fields to automatically capture the URL parameters or add a short JavaScript to gather the parameters and pre-populate visible fields. You just need to view the page source to learn the field ID and add one line per field:

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Marketo seems to be very against this I asked the same before.....overly focused on lead scoring rather then nurturing delicate leads.
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A similar idea I had.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas