Form registration limit setting

Form registration limit setting

It would be nice to have function to limit number of program member.

In case of having event with limited registration number, we have to always watch if 

program member (event registration) exceeds limit or not.


Automatically limiting registration number is very comvenient.

1 Comment
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

@TTS_Yajima Are your forms on dedicated event landing pages? If so could you add a counter, this could be hidden and have the web team either remove the form when at capacity or add a message saying "Sorry Event full".

You could show the counter to encourage people to sign up for an event showing number of remaining tickets.

Or you could add a smart campaign to the Event program and when the capacity is reached change the trigger up email to say Sorry full,  rather than thanks for registering, maybe have leads added to a waiting list to draw down from for drop outs.

If you have an integrated webinar /event tool you can also run the logic through that (ON24).