find a landing page in Mkto from just the URL

find a landing page in Mkto from just the URL

I recently found this post, and the awesome tool on it, which helps you find a landing page in Marketo straight from the live page -

The only thing keeping it from being a perfect solution is that this script only works on landing pages that also contain a form.  While this does cover the vast majority of our landing pages, I think it would be great if the functionality here could be expanded to pages w/out forms, although I don't know the technical limitations as I don't know the javascript required to do this.  

I'm sure there are other similar posts about this out there, so feel free to merge this idea.  At the very least I figured I'd be re-sharing the above tool so others could stumble across something cool like I did today 😃
Not applicable
I'm so happy you shared this! 🙂
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it