Filtering SFDC Sync Errors in Marketo by Segmentation/Region


Filtering SFDC Sync Errors in Marketo by Segmentation/Region

I am looking for a way to filter and view Sync Errors in Admin using Marketo Segmentations for example by region.
Filter options available are limited to Date and Time and Error Type.


I can view Notifications to check daily to see if there is a pattern or common errors (invalid field/value) but this is one big bucket for the instance and cannot be filtered by region. Each error needs to be investigated to know which region the lead comes from.


We have a global instance and segmentation for 4 Global Regions (plus sub-regions), so I only want to view my region errors and fix those!


Is there a way to use Marketo Segmentation which is reflected in Salesforce to filter by region - EMEA / NNA/ APAC / LAR ?