Field Management - Ability to hide fields used by inactive campaigns

Field Management - Ability to hide fields used by inactive campaigns

I would like to be able to hide fields in field management that are used by inactive campaigns.  Currently, even if the campaign is not active, you have to go into each campaign to remove the reference to this field before hiding it in Field Management.  Instead, I would like to see the reference to that field removed automatically from the inactive campaigns or a simple warning message displayed to users who attempt to activate a campaign that references a hidden field. 
Not applicable

This would so amazing. I would love to hide heritage fields, without taking them out of archived heritage smart campaigns. Sometimes its great to look back at older archives, and see how things were done. But I'd like to hide some older fields so that my team doesn't accidentally use them.

Level 10

Hi Valerie,

Do you mean "archived" campaigns ?


Level 1

Still need this in 2019! This makes our field management so messy & frustrating to clean.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas