Evidence that a customer received our email


Evidence that a customer received our email

Hi i wonder if you could implement this : be able to get an evidence that one customer well received an email.

Indeed, i would like to have the email as it would look on the outlook platform of the customer Because this one said that he did not received this email, whereas he did, but the email went probably on the spam inbox, i already checked in the results of the email. I would like to get a copy of the email with his contact email address as recipient with the date and the hour (when he received it) is it somehting possible?

Because in my case, we got a security issue on our product so we sent a press release to the customers concerned, one of them is complaining about not be aware of the problem. We wanted to have the evidence that he received the communication, we would like to get the visuel of the email he got on Outlook.


it will be very interesting to create this feature


best regards


1 Comment
Marketo Employee
Status changed to: No plans to build

Hi Valentine,


We have open and click tracking currently to track when a user is interacting with an email as well as the tracking of when an email server accepted the message from us. However, we are limited in what can actually be done due to how emails work, email recipient servers, the control users have over their email client of choice, and new features protecting the privacy of email recipients. After an email leaves our servers we are not in control of future interactions.